Sunday, February 15, 2009


Amelie was a foreign film, which was very outstanding. It had its good parts and some different parts. Amelie, like i had mentioned, it was a foreign film which was French. It was a good well-rounded movie. It kept my attention throughout the movie with all the great colors that was in the movie. It was also a love story, but not a typical love story with the good and the bad. It was like how Amelie was feeling bad but helped others out, which made her happy. The program ojective I believe is that you can help anyone at anytime, without anything in return. Meaning Amelie, who was brought up by her father who did not really help her out at all after her mother had passed away. She was treated not the greatest, so she had the fear of loving others and trusting them. So, she had to work with herself and overcome her fears; she did that by helping other people which made her happy and love who she is. She felt like she was accomplishing what she wanted to, which she really felt like she did. An objective point of view was used in the film, in my opinion anyways. As John Ford considered the camera to be "a window and the audience to be outside the window viewing the people and events within." I felt like that this film we were not brought into the movie like some others we have been. It realy did feel like we were the audience waiting what was going to happen or what she was going to do. The subjective point of view I think was when the camera would zoom in and let us know what her emotion is and what is going on. The film connects with both objective and subjective points of view. Meaning that we are looked at the audience and looking into the movie through a window, but the subjective view is that we realize what Amelie is feeling and how she is feeling about things. It more so fits into the category as indirect-subjective point of view, because as the book states it does not provide us with the point of view, but it does bring us close to the action so that we feel intimately involved and how we see what is going on. The film, Amelie, was a great movie that I had ever watched especially in a different language. It kept me watching and grabbing my attention. I really enjoyed it. I can now see how it was nominated for five Academy Awards.

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